1.     Shigenaga MK, Aboujaoude EN, Chen Q, Ames BN.  Assays of Oxidative DNA Damage Biomarkers in Nuclear DNA and Biological Fluids by High Performance Liquid Chromatography with Electro-Chemical detection.  Methods in Enzymology. 1994; 234: 16-33.


2.     Aboujaoude E.  Meeting at the Border: An Overview of Borderline Personality Disorder.  The Resident Reporter. 2001; 6:13-18.


3.     Aboujaoude E.  The Psychiatric Hospital of the Cross: A Sane Asylum in the Middle East.  American Journal of Psychiatry. 2002; 159(12):1982.


4.     Aboujaoude E, Chuong H, Koran LM.  A One Year Naturalistic Follow Up of Patients with Compulsive Shopping Disorder.  Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. 2003; 64(8):946-950.


5.     Aboujaoude E, Gamel N, Koran LM. Overview of Kleptomania and Phenomenological Description of Forty Patients. Primary Care Companion, Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. 2004; 6:244-247.


6.     Aboujaoude E, Gamel N, Koran LM.  A Case of Kleptomania Correlating With Premenstrual Dysphoria. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. 2004; 65(5):725-726.


7.     Koran LM, Aboujaoude E, Bullock KD, Franz B, Gamel N, Elliott M. Double-blind Treatment with Oral Morphine in Treatment-resistant Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. 2005; 66(3):353-359.


8.     Koran LM, Gamel N, Chuong H, Smith E, Aboujaoude E. Mirtazapine for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: An Open-label Trial Followed by Double-blind Discontinuation. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. 2005; 66(4):515-520.


9.     Koran LM, Aboujaoude E, Ward H, Shapira NA, Sallee FR, Gamel N, Elliott M. Pulse-loaded Intravenous Clomipramine in Treatment-resistant Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology. 2006; 26(1):79-83.


10. Aboujaoude E, Koran LM, Gamel N. Potential Markers for Problematic Internet Use: A Telephone Survey of 2513 Adults. CNS Spectrums. 2006; 11(10):750-755.


11. Aboujaoude E, Koran LM.  Prevalence Underestimated in Problematic Internet Use Study.  (Response to Dr. Jerald J. Block.) CNS Spectrums. 2006; 12:14-15.


12. Koran LM, Faber RJ, Aboujaoude E, Large MD, Serpe RT. Estimated Prevalence of Compulsive Buying Behavior in the United States.  American Journal of Psychiatry. 2006; 163(10):1806-1812.


13. Koran LM, Aboujaoude E, Solvason B, Gamel N, Smith E.  Escitalopram for Compulsive Buying Disorder: A Double-blind Discontinuation Study.  Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology. 2007; 27(2):225-227.


14. Koran LM, Aboujaoude E, Gamel N.  Escitalopram Treatment of Kleptomania: An Open-label Trial Followed by Double-blind Discontinuation.  Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. 2007; 68(3):422-427.


15. Koran LM, Aboujaoude E, Gamel N. Duloxetine Treatment of Dysthymia and Double Depression: An Open-label Trial.  Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. 2007; 68(5):761-765.


16. Aboujaoude E, Barr JJ, Gamel N. Memantine Augmentation in Treatment-resistant Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: An Open-label Trial. Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology. 2009; 29(1):51-55.


17. Koran LM, Aboujaoude E, Gamel N. Double-Blind Study of Dextroamphetamine Versus Caffeine Augmentation for Treatment-Resistant Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. 2009; 70(11):1530-5.


18. Keuthen NJ, Koran LM, Aboujaoude E, Large MD, Serpe RT. The Prevalence of Pathological Skin Picking in U.S. Adults. Comprehensive Psychiatry. 2010; 51(2):183-186.


19. Aboujaoude E. Problematic Internet Use: An Overview. World Psychiatry. 2010; 9(2): 85-90.


20. Aboujaoude E. Ethical Challenges in the Treatment of Anxiety. Focus. 2011; 9(3):289-91.


21. Aboujaoude E. Compulsive Buying Disorder: A Review and Update. Current Pharmaceutical Design. 2013; 19:1-5.


22. Koran LM, Aboujaoude E. Treating Compulsive Buying. Current Treatment Options in Psychiatry. 2014; 1: 315-324


23. Starcevic V, Aboujaoude E. Cyberchondria, cyberbullying, cybersuicide, cybersex: ?new? psychopathologies for the 21st century? World Psychiatry. 2015; 14(1): 97-100.


24. Aboujaoude E, Salame W, Naim L. Telepsychiatry: a status update. World Psychiatry. 2015; 14(2): 223-230.


25. Aboujaoude E, Savage M, Starcevic C, Salame W. Cyberbullying: an old problem gone viral. Journal of Adolescent Health. 2015; 57(1):10?18.


26. Aboujaoude E. Impulsivity: a transdiagnostic trait. Psychiatric Times. 2015; 32(8): 1-2.


27. Andreassen CS, Griffiths MD, Pallesen S, Bilder RM, Torsheim T, Aboujaoude E. The Bergen Shopping Addiction Scale: reliability and validity of a brief screening test. Frontiers in Psychology. 2015; 6(1374):1-11.


28. Volpe U, Dell?Osso B, Fiorillo A, Mucic D, Aboujaoude E. Internet-related psychopathology: clinical phenotypes and perspectives in an evolving field. Journal of Psychopathology. 2015; 21:406-414. 


29. Griffiths M., Van Rooij AJ, Kardefelt-Winther DA, Starcevic V, Király O, Pallesen S, Müller K, Dreier M,  Carras M, Prause N,  King DL, Aboujaoude E, Kuss DJ,  Pontes HM,  Fernandez OL,  Nagygyorgy K, Achab S, Billieux J, Quandt T, Carbonell X, Ferguson CJ,  Hoff RA, Derevensky J,  Haagsma MC, Delfabbro P, Coulson M, Hussain Z, Dememtrovic Z.  Working towards an international consensus on criteria for assessing Internet Gaming Disorder: A critical commentary on Petry et al (2014). Addiction. 2016; 111(1):167-75. doi: 10.1111/add.13057.


30. Starcevic V, Aboujaoude E. Internet addiction: reappraisal of an increasingly inadequate concept. CNS Spectrums. 2016; 1:1-7.  


31. Aboujaoude E, Salame W. Technology at the service of pediatric mental health: review and assessment. Journal of Pediatrics. 2016;171:20-4.  


32. Aboujaoude E, Salame W. Naltrexone: A pan-addiction rreatment? CNS Drugs. 2016; 30(8):719-33.


33. Harris KM, Aboujaoude E. Online friendship, romance, and sex: properties and associations of the Online Relationship Initiation Scale. Cyberpsychology, Behavior and Social Networking. 2016;19(8):487-93. 


34. Aboujaoude E. Rising suicide rates: an under-recognized role for the Internet. World Psychiatry. 2016; 15(3):225-7.


35. Aboujaoude E, Starcevic V. The rise of online impulsivity: a public health issue. The Lancet Psychiatry. 2016; 3(11):1014-15. 


36. Griffiths MD, Andreassen CS, Pallesen S, Bilder RM, Torsheim T, Aboujaoude E. When is a new scale not a new scale? The case of the Bergen Shopping Addiction Scale and the Compulsive Online Shopping Scale. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction. 2016. DOI 10.1007/s11469-016-9711-1.


37. Savage MW, Deiss DM, Roberto AJ, Aboujaoude E. Theory based formative research of an anti-cyberbullying victimization intervention message. The Journal of Health Communication. 2017; 22(2):124-34.


38. Aboujaoude E. The Internet?s effects on personality traits: An important casualty of the ?Internet addiction? paradigm. Journal of Behavioral Addictions. 2017;6(1):1-4.


39. Harris KM, Starcevic V, Ma J, Zhang W, Aboujaoude E. Suicidality, Psychopathology, and the Internet: Online Time vs. Online Behaviors. Psychiatry Research. 2017; 255: 341-6.


40. Aboujaoude E. Three decades of telemedicine in obsessive-compulsive disorder: A review across platforms. Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders. 2017; 14: 65-70. 


41. Starcevic V, Aboujaoude E. Internet gaming disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and addiction. Current Addiction Reports. 2017. DOI: 10.1007/s40429-017-0158-7.


42. Koran LM, Aboujaoude E. Promising treatments for obsessive-compulsive disorder: A call for additional research. Current Medicinal Chemistry. 2017. DOI: 10.2174/0929867324666170526120916.



43. Aboujaoude E, Koran LM, eds. Impulse Control Disorders. London: Cambridge University Press, 2010.           

Reviewed in November 2011 in the American Journal of Psychiatry: ?Impulse Control Disorders is a significant contribution to the clinical literature and would be a useful addition to the bookshelf of clinicians across a range of specialties.?


44. Aboujaoude E, Starcevic V, eds. Mental Health in the Digital Age: Grave Dangers, Great Promise. London: Oxford University Press, 2015.


45. Aboujaoude E, Koran LM. Nonparaphilic Sexual Disorders. In: Abramowitz J, McKay D, Taylor S, eds. Clinical Handbook of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and Related Problems. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2008: 257-69.


46.  Aboujaoude E, Koran LM. Fluvoxamine, In: Schatzberg A, Nemeroff CB, eds. Textbook of Psychopharmacology, 4th ed. Washington DC: American Psychiatric Publishing, 2009: 353-61.


47.  Aboujaoude E. Foreword. In: Young KS, deAbreu CN, eds. Internet Addiction: A Handbook and Guide to Evaluation and Treatment. New York: John Wiley and Sons, 2010: vii-viii.


48. Aboujaoude E, Koran LM. Introduction. In: Aboujaoude E, Koran LM, eds. Impulse Control Disorders. London: Cambridge University Press, 2010: i-ii. 


49.  Aboujaoude E, Koran LM. Fluvoxamine. In: Schatzberg A, Nemeroff CB, eds. Essentials of Psychopharmacology, 3rd ed. Washington DC: American Psychiatric Publishing, 2013: 95-102. 


50.  Aboujaoude E, Roberts LW. Ethics in Clinical Medicine and Research. In: Roberts LW, ed. Professionalism, Ethics and Cultural Sensitivity: Self-Study Guide for Health Professionals. New York: Springer Publishing Company, 2015.  


51.  Aboujaoude E, Holaway R. Obsessive Compulsive and Related Disorders. In: Roberts LW, Louie AK, eds. Study Guide to DSM-V. Washington DC: American Psychiatric Publishing, 2015.


52.  Aboujaoude E, Starcevic V. W.W.W. Mental Health (Dot) Com. In: Aboujaoude E, Starcevic V, eds. Mental Health in the Digital Age: Grave Dangers, Great Promise. London: Oxford University Press, 2015.


53.  Aboujaoude E, Weinstein A. A Review of Problematic Internet use. In: Aboujaoude E, Starcevic V, eds. Mental Health in the Digital Age: Grave Dangers, Great Promise. London: Oxford University Press, 2015.


54.  Aboujaoude E, Koran LM. Fluvoxamine, In: Schatzberg A, Nemeroff CB, eds. The American Psychiatric Association Publishing Textbook of Psychopharmacology, 5th ed. Washington DC: American Psychiatric Publishing, 2017.


55.  Aboujaoude E, Pittenger C. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: A Case-Based Introduction. Christopher Pittenger, Ed. Oxford University Press. In press. 


1.     Shigenaga MK, Aboujaoude EN, Chen Q, Ames BN.  Assays of Oxidative DNA Damage Biomarkers in Nuclear DNA and Biological Fluids by High Performance Liquid Chromatography with Electro-Chemical detection.  Methods in Enzymology. 1994; 234: 16-33.

2.     Aboujaoude E.  Meeting at the Border: An Overview of Borderline Personality Disorder.  The Resident Reporter. 2001; 6:13-18.

3.     Aboujaoude E.  The Psychiatric Hospital of the Cross: A Sane Asylum in the Middle East.  American Journal of Psychiatry. 2002; 159(12):1982.

4.     Aboujaoude E, Chuong H, Koran LM.  A One Year Naturalistic Follow Up of Patients with Compulsive Shopping Disorder.  Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. 2003; 64(8):946-950.

5.     Aboujaoude E, Gamel N, Koran LM. Overview of Kleptomania and Phenomenological Description of Forty Patients. Primary Care Companion, Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. 2004; 6:244-247.

6.     Aboujaoude E, Gamel N, Koran LM.  A Case of Kleptomania Correlating With Premenstrual Dysphoria. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. 2004; 65(5):725-726.

7.     Koran LM, Aboujaoude E, Bullock KD, Franz B, Gamel N, Elliott M. Double-blind Treatment with Oral Morphine in Treatment-resistant Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. 2005; 66(3):353-359.

8.     Koran LM, Gamel N, Chuong H, Smith E, Aboujaoude E. Mirtazapine for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: An Open-label Trial Followed by Double-blind Discontinuation. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. 2005; 66(4):515-520 

9.     Koran LM, Aboujaoude E, Ward H, Shapira NA, Sallee FR, Gamel N, Elliott M. Pulse-loaded Intravenous Clomipramine in Treatment-resistant Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology. 2006; 26(1):79-83.

10. Aboujaoude E, Koran LM, Gamel N. Potential Markers for Problematic Internet Use: A Telephone Survey of 2513 Adults. CNS Spectrums. 2006; 11(10):750-755.

11. Aboujaoude E, Koran LM.  Prevalence Underestimated in Problematic Internet Use Study.  (Response to Dr. Jerald J. Block.) CNS Spectrums. 2006; 12:14-15.

12. Koran LM, Faber RJ, Aboujaoude E, Large MD, Serpe RT. Estimated Prevalence of Compulsive Buying Behavior in the United States.  American Journal of Psychiatry. 2006; 163(10):1806-1812.

13. Koran LM, Aboujaoude E, Solvason B, Gamel N, Smith E.  Escitalopram for Compulsive Buying Disorder: A Double-blind Discontinuation Study.  Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology. 2007; 27(2):225-227.

14. Koran LM, Aboujaoude E, Gamel N.  Escitalopram Treatment of Kleptomania: An Open-label Trial Followed by Double-blind Discontinuation.  Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. 2007; 68(3):422-427.

15. Koran LM, Aboujaoude E, Gamel N. Duloxetine Treatment of Dysthymia and Double Depression: An Open-label Trial.  Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. 2007; 68(5):761-765.

16. Aboujaoude E, Barr JJ, Gamel N. Memantine Augmentation in Treatment-resistant Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: An Open-label Trial. Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology. 2009; 29(1):51-55.

17. Koran LM, Aboujaoude E, Gamel N. Double-Blind Study of Dextroamphetamine Versus Caffeine Augmentation for Treatment-Resistant Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. 2009; 70(11):1530-5.

18. Keuthen NJ, Koran LM, Aboujaoude E, Large MD, Serpe RT. The Prevalence of Pathological Skin Picking in U.S. Adults. Comprehensive Psychiatry. 2010; 51(2):183-186.

19. Aboujaoude E. Problematic Internet Use: An Overview. World Psychiatry. 2010; 9(2): 85-90.

20. Aboujaoude E. Ethical Challenges in the Treatment of Anxiety. Focus. 2011; 9(3):289-91.

21. Aboujaoude E. Compulsive Buying Disorder: A Review and Update. Current Pharmaceutical Design. 2013; 19:1-5.

22. Koran LM, Aboujaoude E. Treating Compulsive Buying. Current Treatment Options in Psychiatry. 2014; 1: 315-324

23. Starcevic V, Aboujaoude E. Cyberchondria, cyberbullying, cybersuicide, cybersex: “new” psychopathologies for the 21st century? World Psychiatry. 2015; 14(1): 97-100.

24. Aboujaoude E, Salame W, Naim L. Telepsychiatry: a status update. World Psychiatry. 2015; 14(2): 223-230.

25. Aboujaoude E, Savage M, Starcevic C, Salame W. Cyberbullying: an old problem gone viral. Journal of Adolescent Health. 2015; 57(1):10–18.

26. Aboujaoude E. Impulsivity: a transdiagnostic trait. Psychiatric Times. 2015; 32(8): 1-2.

27. Andreassen CS, Griffiths MD, Pallesen S, Bilder RM, Torsheim T, Aboujaoude E. The Bergen Shopping Addiction Scale: reliability and validity of a brief screening test. Frontiers in Psychology. 2015; 6(1374):1-11.

28. Volpe U, Dell’Osso B, Fiorillo A, Mucic D, Aboujaoude E. Internet-related psychopathology: clinical phenotypes and perspectives in an evolving field. Journal of Psychopathology. 2015; 21:406-414. 

29. Griffiths M., Van Rooij AJ, Kardefelt-Winther DA, Starcevic V, Király O, Pallesen S, Müller K, Dreier M,  Carras M, Prause N,  King DL, Aboujaoude E, Kuss DJ,  Pontes HM,  Fernandez OL,  Nagygyorgy K, Achab S, Billieux J, Quandt T, Carbonell X, Ferguson CJ,  Hoff RA, Derevensky J,  Haagsma MC, Delfabbro P, Coulson M, Hussain Z, Dememtrovic Z.  Working towards an international consensus on criteria for assessing Internet Gaming Disorder: A critical commentary on Petry et al (2014). Addiction. 2016; 111(1):167-75. doi: 10.1111/add.13057.

30. Starcevic V, Aboujaoude E. Internet addiction: reappraisal of an increasingly inadequate concept. CNS Spectrums. 2016; 1:1-7.  

31. Aboujaoude E, Salame W. Technology at the service of pediatric mental health: review and assessment. Journal of Pediatrics. 2016;171:20-4.  

32. Aboujaoude E, Salame W. Naltrexone: A pan-addiction rreatment? CNS Drugs. 2016; 30(8):719-33.

33. Harris KM, Aboujaoude E. Online friendship, romance, and sex: properties and associations of the Online Relationship Initiation Scale. Cyberpsychology, Behavior and Social Networking. 2016;19(8):487-93. 

34. Aboujaoude E. Rising suicide rates: an under-recognized role for the Internet. World Psychiatry. 2016; 15(3):225-7.

35. Aboujaoude E, Starcevic V. The rise of online impulsivity: a public health issue. The Lancet Psychiatry. 2016; 3(11):1014-15. 

36. Griffiths MD, Andreassen CS, Pallesen S, Bilder RM, Torsheim T, Aboujaoude E. When is a new scale not a new scale? The case of the Bergen Shopping Addiction Scale and the Compulsive Online Shopping Scale. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction. 2016. DOI 10.1007/s11469-016-9711-1.

37. Savage MW, Deiss DM, Roberto AJ, Aboujaoude E. Theory based formative research of an anti-cyberbullying victimization intervention message. The Journal of Health Communication. 2017; 22(2):124-34.

38. Aboujaoude E. The Internet’s effects on personality traits: An important casualty of the “Internet addiction” paradigm. Journal of Behavioral Addictions. 2017;6(1):1-4.

39. Harris KM, Starcevic V, Ma J, Zhang W, Aboujaoude E. Suicidality, Psychopathology, and the Internet: Online Time vs. Online Behaviors. Psychiatry Research. 2017; 255: 341-6.

40. Aboujaoude E. Three decades of telemedicine in obsessive-compulsive disorder: A review across platforms. Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders. 2017; 14: 65-70. 

41. Starcevic V, Aboujaoude E. Internet gaming disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and addiction. Current Addiction Reports. 2017. DOI: 10.1007/s40429-017-0158-7.

42. Koran LM, Aboujaoude E. Promising treatments for obsessive-compulsive disorder: A call for additional research. Current Medicinal Chemistry. 2017. DOI: 10.2174/0929867324666170526120916.

43. Aboujaoude E, Koran LM, eds. Impulse Control Disorders. London: Cambridge University Press, 2010.           

Reviewed in November 2011 in the American Journal of Psychiatry: “Impulse Control Disorders is a significant contribution to the clinical literature and would be a useful addition to the bookshelf of clinicians across a range of specialties.”

44. Aboujaoude E, Starcevic V, eds. Mental Health in the Digital Age: Grave Dangers, Great Promise. London: Oxford University Press, 2015.

45. Aboujaoude E, Koran LM. Nonparaphilic Sexual Disorders. In: Abramowitz J, McKay D, Taylor S, eds. Clinical Handbook of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and Related Problems. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2008: 257-69.

46.  Aboujaoude E, Koran LM. Fluvoxamine, In: Schatzberg A, Nemeroff CB, eds. Textbook of Psychopharmacology, 4th ed. Washington DC: American Psychiatric Publishing, 2009: 353-61.

47.  Aboujaoude E. Foreword. In: Young KS, deAbreu CN, eds. Internet Addiction: A Handbook and Guide to Evaluation and Treatment. New York: John Wiley and Sons, 2010: vii-viii.

48. Aboujaoude E, Koran LM. Introduction. In: Aboujaoude E, Koran LM, eds. Impulse Control Disorders. London: Cambridge University Press, 2010: i-ii. 

49.  Aboujaoude E, Koran LM. Fluvoxamine. In: Schatzberg A, Nemeroff CB, eds. Essentials of Psychopharmacology, 3rd ed. Washington DC: American Psychiatric Publishing, 2013: 95-102. 

50.  Aboujaoude E, Roberts LW. Ethics in Clinical Medicine and Research. In: Roberts LW, ed. Professionalism, Ethics and Cultural Sensitivity: Self-Study Guide for Health Professionals. New York: Springer Publishing Company, 2015.  

51.  Aboujaoude E, Holaway R. Obsessive Compulsive and Related Disorders. In: Roberts LW, Louie AK, eds. Study Guide to DSM-V. Washington DC: American Psychiatric Publishing, 2015.

52.  Aboujaoude E, Starcevic V. W.W.W. Mental Health (Dot) Com. In: Aboujaoude E, Starcevic V, eds. Mental Health in the Digital Age: Grave Dangers, Great Promise. London: Oxford University Press, 2015.

53.  Aboujaoude E, Weinstein A. A Review of Problematic Internet use. In: Aboujaoude E, Starcevic V, eds. Mental Health in the Digital Age: Grave Dangers, Great Promise. London: Oxford University Press, 2015.

54.  Aboujaoude E, Koran LM. Fluvoxamine, In: Schatzberg A, Nemeroff CB, eds. The American Psychiatric Association Publishing Textbook of Psychopharmacology, 5th ed. Washington DC: American Psychiatric Publishing, 2017.

55.  Aboujaoude E, Pittenger C. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: A Case-Based Introduction. Christopher Pittenger, Ed. Oxford University Press. In press. 

Aboujaoude E. Problematic Internet use three decades later: apps to wean us off apps. CNS Spectrums. 2019;24(4):371-373.

Aboujaoude E. Telemental health: why the revolution has not arrived. World Psychiatry. 2018; 17(3):277-8.

Koran LM, Aboujaoude E. Promising treatments for obsessive-compulsive disorder: A call for additional research. Current Medicinal Chemistry. 2017. DOI: 10.2174/0929867324666170526120916.

Starcevic V, Aboujaoude E. Internet gaming disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and addiction. Current Addiction Reports. 2017. DOI: 10.1007/s40429-017-0158-7.

Aboujaoude E. Three decades of telemedicine in obsessive-compulsive disorder: A review across platforms. Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders. 2017; 14: 65-70.

Harris KM, Starcevic V, Ma J, Zhang W, Aboujaoude E. Suicidality, Psychopathology, and the Internet: Online Time vs. Online Behaviors. Psychiatry Research. 2017; 255: 341-6.

Aboujaoude E. The Internet’s effects on personality traits: An important casualty of the “Internet addiction” paradigm. Journal of Behavioral Addictions. 2017;6(1):1-4.

Griffiths MD, Andreassen CS, Pallesen S, Bilder RM, Torsheim T, Aboujaoude E. When is a new scale not a new scale? The case of the Bergen Shopping Addiction Scale and the Compulsive Online Shopping Scale. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction. 2016. DOI 10.1007/s11469-016-9711-1.

Aboujaoude E, Starcevic V. The rise of online impulsivity: a public health issue. The Lancet Psychiatry. 2016; 3(11):1014-15.

Aboujaoude E. Rising suicide rates: an under-recognized role for the Internet. World Psychiatry. 2016; 15(3):225-7.

Aboujaoude E, Salame W. Naltrexone: A pan-addiction treatment? CNS Drugs. 2016; 30(8):719-33.

Aboujaoude E, Salame W. Technology at the service of pediatric mental health: review and assessment. Journal of Pediatrics. 2016;171:20-4.

Starcevic V, Aboujaoude E. Internet addiction: reappraisal of an increasingly inadequate concept. CNS Spectrums. 2016; 1:1-7.

Griffiths M., Van Rooij AJ, Kardefelt-Winther DA, Starcevic V, Király O, Pallesen S, Müller K, Dreier M, Carras M, Prause N, King DL, Aboujaoude E, Kuss DJ, Pontes HM, Fernandez OL, Nagygyorgy K, Achab S, Billieux J, Quandt T, Carbonell X, Ferguson CJ, Hoff RA, Derevensky J, Haagsma MC, Delfabbro P, Coulson M, Hussain Z, Dememtrovic Z. Working towards an international consensus on criteria for assessing Internet Gaming Disorder: A critical commentary on Petry et al (2014). Addiction. 2016; 111(1):167-75. doi: 10.1111/add.13057.

Harris KM, Aboujaoude E. Online friendship, romance, and sex: properties and associations of the Online Relationship Initiation Scale. Cyberpsychology, Behavior and Social Networking. 2016;19(8):487-93.

Volpe U, Dell’Osso B, Fiorillo A, Mucic D, Aboujaoude E. Internet-related psychopathology: clinical phenotypes and perspectives in an evolving field. Journal of Psychopathology. 2015; 21:406-414.

Andreassen CS, Griffiths MD, Pallesen S, Bilder RM, Torsheim T, Aboujaoude E. The Bergen Shopping Addiction Scale: reliability and validity of a brief screening test. Frontiers in Psychology. 2015; 6(1374):1-11.

Aboujaoude E. Impulsivity: a transdiagnostic trait. Psychiatric Times. 2015; 32(8): 1-2.

Aboujaoude E, Savage M, Starcevic C, Salame W. Cyberbullying: an old problem gone viral. Journal of Adolescent Health. 2015; 57(1):10–18.

Aboujaoude E, Salame W, Naim L. Telepsychiatry: a status update. World Psychiatry. 2015; 14(2): 223-230.

Starcevic V, Aboujaoude E. Cyberchondria, cyberbullying, cybersuicide, cybersex: “new” psychopathologies for the 21st century? World Psychiatry. 2015; 14(1): 97-100.

Koran LM, Aboujaoude E. Treating Compulsive Buying. Current Treatment Options in Psychiatry. 2014; 1: 315-324

Aboujaoude E. Compulsive Buying Disorder: A Review and Update. Current Pharmaceutical Design. 2013; 19:1-5.

Aboujaoude E. Ethical Challenges in the Treatment of Anxiety. Focus. 2011; 9(3):289-91.

Aboujaoude E. Problematic Internet Use: An Overview. World Psychiatry. 2010; 9(2): 85-90.

Keuthen NJ, Koran LM, Aboujaoude E, Large MD, Serpe RT. The Prevalence of Pathological Skin Picking in U.S. Adults. Comprehensive Psychiatry. 2010; 51(2):183-186.

Aboujaoude E, Pittenger C. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: A Case-Based Introduction. In: Christopher Pittenger, Ed. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: Phenomenology, Pathophysiology, and Treatment. London: Oxford University Press, 2017.

Aboujaoude E, Koran LM. Fluvoxamine, In: Schatzberg A, Nemeroff CB, eds. The American Psychiatric Association Publishing Textbook of Psychopharmacology, 5th ed. Washington DC: American Psychiatric Publishing, 2017.

Aboujaoude E, Weinstein A. A Review of Problematic Internet use. In: Aboujaoude E, Starcevic V, eds. Mental Health in the Digital Age: Grave Dangers, Great Promise. London: Oxford University Press, 2015.

Aboujaoude E, Starcevic V. W.W.W. Mental Health (Dot) Com. In: Aboujaoude E, Starcevic V, eds. Mental Health in the Digital Age: Grave Dangers, Great Promise. London: Oxford University Press, 2015.

Aboujaoude E, Holaway R. Obsessive Compulsive and Related Disorders. In: Roberts LW, Louie AK, eds. Study Guide to DSM-V. Washington DC: American Psychiatric Publishing, 2015.

Aboujaoude E, Reicherter R, Weiss LW. Introduction to Ethics in Clinical Medicine. In: Roberts LW, Reicherter D, eds. Professionalism and Ethics in Medicine. New York: Springer, 2015: 3-26.

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Aboujaoude E, Vera Cruz G, Rochat L, Courtois R, Ben Brahim F, Khan R, Khazaal Y. Assessment of the Popularity and Perceived Effectiveness of Smartphone Tools That Track and Limit Smartphone Use: Survey Study and Machine Learning Analysis. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 2022 Oct 20;24(10):e38963.

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Aboujaoude E, Kuss DJ, Yao MZ, Leung LW. Online psychology beyond addiction and gaming: A global look at mental health and internet-related technologies. Front Psychol. 2021. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.815013.

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Aboujaoude E, Gega L. Missing the forest for the trees ØC how the focus on digital addiction and gaming diverted attention away from wider online risks. J Child Adolesc Ment Health. 2021. DOI: 10.1111/camh.12503.

Aboujaoude E, Gega L, Saltarelli AJ. The Retention Challenge in Remote Therapy and Learning: An Assessment Through the Lens of Online Psychology and COVID-19. World Psychiatry. 2021; 20(1):138-139.

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